Royal Gem #6 - We Need You! 9/16/15

In my journey in this particular industry, my observations have caused me in many times to say how I miss the era that I grew up in. Not in the sense of the music it self, but just the mentality where the game was filled with trendsetters.  People comfortable enough in their own skin that they were not afraid to open their mouths and speak their truths. In doing so, they opened our eyes to their view of the world.  I miss that in today's cookie cutter, if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality. Which leads me to my point. It's important to be comfortable with who you are, both internally and externally.  The world is filled with amazing and unique people each with their own special gifts to contribute to society and the world. Why not be one of them?  No one was put here to be anyone's clone or copycat.  Look inside you and discover your greatness and wear it with pride.  The world doesn't need another of anyone out there already living their purpose. What it needs is you living yours.  What it needs is you being the 1st, the only and the best that you can be. We'll all be better because of it.
Ron Royal

"Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself. - Bill Gates

"If you celebrate your differentness, the world will too!  It believes exactly what you tell it - through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself.  Tell the world you are a one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accomodated." - Victoria Moran

"I am a rare species, not a stereotype." - Ivan E. Coyote

"Having a low opinion of yourself is not 'modesty.'  It's self-destruction.  Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not 'egotism.'  It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success. - Bobbe Sommer

"The difference between you and everyone else, is everyone else. And that;s a lot, so you should feel special." - Jarod Kintz

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